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Follow these steps to set up your Google Meeting

  1. Claim a session on the https://www.themaxclass.com/tutor/tutoring-bookings page. Make sure that at least the date works.
  2. Then immediately contact your student and finalize a date and time. You can do this via email or text (number may not be provided). See the email format for reaching out below.
  3. Once the time is finalized go to your google calendar
  4. Add an event on the Tutoring Dates Calendar (should already be shared with you) 
  5. Title the event “Tutoring with [Student Name]”
  6. Then set the date and time properly. 
  7. Copy and paste your student’s email into the Add Guests space.
  8. Then click add Google Meet Conferencing (Google will make the meeting for you)
  9. Then add the following message in the description: Hi [Student Name], use this link to join the meeting. You can also email any attachments of your work to help me understand what you need help with. Also, though our tutoring is completely free, we do collect donations to help us pay our overhead costs. You can help us by donating here, but do not feel obligated to do so. Thank you for booking with max tutoring! I’m looking forward to our session!
  10. Lastly, click save and click send invitation to guests

Reaching out email format:

Hi [Student's Name], 

My name is [your name], and I will be your tutor. I just saw your request for [subject name] tutoring with. Please let me know the best time for you, and I will send you a google meeting link. [if you have any questions regarding the notes section, list them in the email] Also, feel free to provide any more information regarding your assignment. 

Thanks for signing up, and I will send you a link shortly after the time is confirmed!

- [Your Name]

Paste this into the description of the meeting:

Hi [Student's Name],

Use this link to join the meeting. You can also email any attachments of your work to help me understand what you need help with.

Also, though our tutoring is completely free, we do collect donations to help us pay our overhead costs. You can help us by donating here, but do not feel obligated to do so.

Thank you for booking with max tutoring! I’m looking forward to our session!